Objective Style of Art Restrained in Emotional Expression Emphasizing Formal Design

Fine art Movements, Periods & Schools
Periods & Schools of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
Chief A-Z Index

A - B - C - D - E - F - Thousand - H-J - K-50 - 1000 - N - O - P-Q - R - S - T - U-V - W-Z


Abstract Art
Not-representational painting and sculpture. See likewise Abstract Art Movements.
Abstract Expressionism

Originally a diverse style of abstract art developed in the USA during the 1940s and 1950s, and particularly associated with Arshile Gorky and Jackson Pollock; abstract expressionist painting is sometimes known as the New York Schoolhouse. Later on 1952, sometimes known alternatively every bit 'action painting.'
Academic Art
The official fashion taught in the official academies of fine arts.
Action Painting
Term coined in 1952 by US critic Harold Rosenberg to describe the type of Abstract Expressionism, expert by Jackson Pollock and others, in which the emphasis was on the activity of applying paint, sometimes splashing or pouring it over a canvas on the flooring.

Aesthetic Move
Agile in United kingdom during the 1870s and 1880s in both the fine and applied arts. Amounting to a reverence of pure beauty in art and design, its motto was 'art for art's sake'. In painting, its artful philosophy was exemplified by Whistler, Albert Moore and in part past Leighton. In applied arts and crafts, the movement was spearheaded by William Morris.
American Impressionism
Followed the French tradition; leading figures included William Merritt Hunt (1849-1916), Theodore Robinson (1852-96), Mary Cassatt (1844-1926), John Singer Sargent (1856-1925), Childe Hassam (1859-1935), John Henry Twachtman (1853-1902), J Alden Weir (1852-1919) and Willard Leroy Metcalf (1858-1925).
American Scene Painting
General category describing fine art movements in the United states (1925-45) which used specifically American imagery, captured in a realistic, often nostalgic setting. Closely related to Regionalism.
Analytical Cubism
Early stage of CUBISM, c.1907-12, in which natural forms were analyzed and reduced to their essential geometric parts.
Armory Evidence
Well-nigh famous exhibition of modern art, ever held in New York, 1913.
Art Deco
Interior and graphic design of the 1920s and 1930s, characterized equally a combination of Art Nouveau with new geometric forms.
Fine art Informel
Term coined by French critic Michel Tapie, and used from the 1950s to describe the European equivalent to American abstract expressionism.
Art Nouveau
Decorative manner of artistic pattern popular in Europe in the tardily 19th and early 20th century poster art; it often employed stylized, curvilinear plant forms. It was known in Germany equally Jugendstil.
Arte Povera
Term coined by Italian critic Germano Celani in 1967 to describe the work of artists such equally Carl Andre, Richard Long etc. It stresses the use of ordinary materials such as sand, stones, twigs, etc., and the temporary, not-collectable nature of the piece of work.
Arts and Crafts Movement
Championed by William Morris, it sought to reassert the value of skillful design and adroitness in the auto age. Paved the way for Fine art Nouveau, Bauhaus and Art Deco.
Ashcan School
Term used during the 1930s to describe the realist group of artists which evolved from the eight in New York c1908 and whose subject was normally the urban environment.
Australian Colonial Painting
Kickoff styles of art past Europeans in Australia.
Australian Impressionism
Works by Tom Roberts, Arthur Streeton, Fred McCubbin, Charles Conder. Also chosen the Heidelberg school.
Australian Modern Painting
20th-Century modern art embodied by Russell Drysdale, Sidney Nolan and others.


Barbizon School of Landscape painting
Group of French landscape painters of the mid 19th century, who painted mural for its own sake, often in plein-air, directly from nature.
Manner of architecture, painting, and sculpture originating principally in Italy, of the late 16th to the early on 18th century; it exhibited an increased involvement in dynamic movement and dramatic effects. As well: "baroque" is sometimes used in a pejorative sense to mean over-elaborate, florid. Also: The Baroque period refers to the 17th century, when the manner was at its height.
Bauhaus Design School
Named after a combination of the German terms for edifice (bau) and house (haus), it was a schoolhouse of architecture and modern art, founded in Weimar, Germany, in 1919 by architect Walter Gropius, which became the focus of modern design. It moved to Dessau in 1925-half dozen, to Berlin in 1932, and was airtight in 1933. Its education method replaced the traditional student-teacher relationship with the thought of a customs of artists working together.
Berlin Secession (Ger. Berliner Sezession)
Association led by the High german Impressionist painter Max Liebermann which exhibited the work of the "Dice Brucke" artists in 1908.
Biedermeier Manner of Art
A Romantic-Realistic type of 'domestic' painting, interior design and architecture, pop in Germany, Austria and Denmark around 1810-60.
Biomorphic Brainchild
Fashion of rounded abstract forms, used by Henry Moore and others. Also referred to as Organic Abstraction.
Blaue Reiter (Ger. Der Blaue Reiter, "The Blue Rider")
Grouping of artists formed in Munich in 1911 past Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc. The group was of very varied outlook; other artists who joined it included Paul Klee, August Macke and Alexei von Jawlensky. See: German Expressionism.
Bolognese Schoolhouse of Painting
Founded in Bologna, Italy by Annibale Carracci, his brother Agostino, and cousin Ludovico (1555-1619).
Brucke (Ger. Die Brucke, "The Bridge")
Group of High german Expressionist painters founded in Dresden in 1905, and including the artists Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. See: German Expressionism.
Architectural manner of the 1950s associated with Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe, in which no endeavour is made to disguise the edifice materials used.
Byzantine Fine art
An umbrella term for fine arts adult within the Eastern Roman Empire, centred on Constantinople (Byzantium) from roughly 350 CE to 1450. See also: Christian Art, Byzantine Catamenia.


Camden Town Group
Grouping of English language Postal service-Impressionist painters formed in 1911 around Walter Sickert, including Spencer Gore, Lucien Pissarro, and Augustus John, who applied some of the principles of Paul Gauguin and Vincent van Gogh to contemporary London subject area matter.
The light/shadow painting technique associated with Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, involving chiaroscuro and tenebrism.
Carolingian Art
The revival of European arts (c.750-900) after the Dark Ages, under the Frankish King Charlemagne.
Cosmic Counter Reformation Art
Describes the campaign of Catholic art (c.1560-1700), launched by the Vatican following the Council of Trent (1545-63).
Celtic Art
A style based on curvilinear forms, using spirals, knots and interlace patterns.
Chicago School of Architecture
Group of architects working in Chicago between 1871 and 1893, led past William Le Businesswoman Jenney (1832-1907). Other members included Louis Sullivan, Dankmar Adler, Daniel Burnham, John Wellborn Root, William Holabird, Martin Roche. See also: Second Chicago School of Compages (c.1940-75) led by Mies van der Rohe.
Pseudo-Chinese way of ornamentation which flourished in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries.
Christian Art
Visual arts associated with Christianity, from c.150 onwards.
15th-Century Italian art.
Classical Indian Painting
From Ajanta to tardily classical Buddhist art (up to 1150 CE).
False of the fine art of classical Antiquity.
Classicism and Naturalism
Movements in 17th Century Italian Painting embodied past Annibale Carracci and Caravaggio.
Style of French painting - based on cloisonne enamel or stained glass shapes - developed at Pont-Aven by Emile Bernard and Louis Anquetin.
CoBrA Grouping
An clan of Dutch, Danish and Belgium Expressionist artists 1948-51. An acronym of the words Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam.
Cologne School
High german medieval schoolhouse of painting that reached a highpoint under Stefan Lochner around 1450.
Colonial Art (America)
Largely portraits, miniatures, neoclassical architecture, furniture-making and crafts (c.1670-1800).
Colour field painting
Schoolhouse of painting, commonly on a large calibration, in which solid areas of color are taken right upwardly to the edge of the canvas, suggesting that they extend to infinity.
Computer Art
General movement involving computer-generated imagery.
International Abstract fine art movement founded in postal service-revolutionary Russian federation by artists including Vladimir Tatlin, Alexandr Rodchenko, Antoine Pevsner and Naum Gabo, among others.
Contemporary Art Movements
Schools and styles from the 1960s onwards. Run into too Gimmicky British Painting.
Creative movement c.1907-1915 initiated by Picasso and Braque as a reaction confronting Impressionism. It aimed to analyze forms in geometric terms (Belittling Cubism) or reorganize them in diverse contexts (Synthetic Cubism); colour remained secondary to class.
Cynical Realism
Chinese contemporary painting move which emerged in Beijing in the backwash of Tiananmen Square. Artists involved included Yue Minjun, Fang Lijun and Zhang Xiaogang.


International "anti-art" movement originating in Zurich c.1916, involving Marcel Duchamp, Jean Arp, Francis Picabia, amongst others; a precursor of Surrealism; hence Dadaism, Dadaist.
Danube School
The name loosely refers to several early 16th-century German painters, such as Albrecht Altdorfer, Lucas Cranach the Elderberry, and Wolf Huber famous for atmospheric landscapes and rich colouristic effects.
A mode of postmodernist design, championed by Frank O. Gehry (b.1929).
Degenerate Fine art
Advanced painting, sculpture and graphics, deemed "degenerate" past the Nazi Political party. As well the name of an exhibition of mod art held in Munich in 1937.
Delft School
17th-century Dutch genre painting associated with January Vermeer and Pierer de Hooch.
De Stijl
Dutch art magazine founded in 1917 by Theo van Doesburg and Piet Mondrian. Besides: artists and architects associated with the journal who were influential in promoting functional Bauhaus design during the 1920s.
Analytical painting technique developed systematically by Georges Seurat (1859-91); instead of mixing colours on the palette, each colour is applied "pure" in individual brush-strokes, then that from a certain distance, the viewer'southward eye and brain perform the mixing "optically"; encounter also Italian Divisionism.
Donkey's Tail
Russian artists exhibition group (1911-12), gear up up by Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova, to promote Russian-inspired avant-garde fine art.
Dutch Realist Painting
A memorable Netherlandish manner of easel painting centred on towns like Haarlem, Delft, Leiden, Utrecht, Dordrecht and Amsterdam. Information technology was responsible for a huge number of masterpieces beyond all the painting genres, and featured virtuoso portraitists like Frans Hals (1580–1666) and Rembrandt (1606–1669), genre-painters like January Vermeer (1632–1675), mural artists like Jacob van Ruisdael (1628–1682) and still life masters such as Frans Snyders (1579–1657), Jan Davidsz De Heem (1606-1684) and Willem Kalf (1622-1693), among many others.


Early Renaissance
Style of 15th century Florentine art (c.1400-1490).
Ecole de Paris
( Paris School of Art )
Broad proper name for diverse modern art movements centred in Paris including Les Nabis, Fauvism, Cubism, Orphism, Futurism, and Surrealism.
A style of architecture, painting and decorative art linked with Edward Seven of Britain, the son of Queen Victoria, which is associated with the last decade or then before the Offset Globe State of war. In France information technology was referred to as Belle Epoque. The great exemplar of the Edwardian style was John Singer Sargent.
Modified class of Neo-Plasticism propounded by Theo van Doesburg in the 1920s, which caused a rift with Piet Mondrian by introducing diagonals instead of a rigid horizontal and vertical format.
A style of fine art associated with the era of Queen Elizabeth I (reigned 1558-1603). Portraiture was an important Elizabethan painting genre, eminent portrait artists being Nicholas Hilliard, Marcus Gheeraerts.
English language Figurative Painting
Early masters of this schoolhouse included, William Hogarth (1697-1764), Joshua Reynolds (1723-92), Thomas Gainsborough (1727-88), George Romney (1734-1802), Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-97), George Stubbs (1724-1806), among others.
English language Landscape Painting
A general movement pioneered by artists similar Richard Wilson (1714-82), Thomas Gainsborough (1727-88), Thomas Malton (1748-1804), Paul Sandby (1725-1809), MA Rooker (1743-1804), Edward Dayes (1763-1804), Thomas Hearne (1744-1817), JR Cozens (1752-99), Thomas Girtin (1775-1802) J. M. Westward. Turner (1775-1851) and John Lawman (1776-1837).
Euston Road Group
Grouping of artists working in a broadly naturalistic way in Euston Rd, London, for a cursory menstruation from 1937 to 1939, including William Coldstream, Victor Pasmore, and Lawrence Gowing.
Existential Art (1940s and 1950s)
John Paul Sartre's existentialist philosophy, with its themes of alienation and angst in the face of the human condition, can be seen in paintings by the American Abstruse Expressionists, the Informel and "CoBrA" movements, the French Homme-Temoin (Man equally a Witness) grouping, the British Kitchen Sink fine art group, and the American Beats - all of whom from time to time are designated Existential, every bit are many individual painters and sculptors: like the Swiss sculptor Alberto Giacometti, and the surrealist/expressionist Francis Salary.
The Expressionist Movement (1880s onwards) was a manner that start emerged in the tardily 19th century in which the expression of emotion and feeling is emphasized rather than the representation of nature; hence expressionist painters, Expressionistic. For more details, see also History of Expressionist Painting (1880-1939).


Originally a derogatory term (Les Fauves) significant "wild beasts", used of a group of painters who exhibited at the Salon d' Automne in Paris in 1905, including Matisse.
Feminist Fine art
Late 1960s early on 1970s move that sought to increase opportunities for women in the art world and to rewrite the historical canon giving more importance to women artists.
Flemish Painting School
Realistic style of oil on panel painting.
Proper noun of an international art movement, established in 1962, which aimed to unite Europe's advanced. Information technology had similarities with the anti-art philosophy of Dada.
Fontainebleau Schoolhouse

At that place were two Schools; the Start, under Francis I c.1528-58 was fundamentally Mannerist, straight influenced by expatriate Italian masters. The 2nd, under Henry IV (1589-1610) was more mediocre. Occasionally dislocated with 19th century Barbizon school of landscape art, near Fontainebleau.
French Painting
The French school. Its Golden Age was the 19th century and the early 20th century.
Italian artistic movement founded in 1909 by Filippo Marinetti, which exalted the modern world of machinery, speed, and violence.


General term describing the styles of fine art associated with the reigns of Rex George I, II, Ii and IV in Britain (1714-1830), notably in architecture, silver, furniture, and silver. Its unifying attribute is a sure classical restraint and harmony.
High german Art: 19th Century
Neoclassicism, Realism and Impressionism in Frg.
German Expressionism
General expressionist trend in Germany, exemplified by artist groups like Der Blaue Reiter (1909-14, Munich) led by Wassily Kandinsky (1844-1944) and Franz Marc (1880-1916); Die Brucke (1905-13, Dresden) founded by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (1884-1976) and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938); and Dice Neue Sachlichkeit (1920s, Mannheim and elsewhere) whose famous members included Otto Dix (1891-1969), George Grosz (1893-1959) and Max Beckmann (1884-1950).
German Medieval Art
Carolingian/Ottonian Sculpture, goldsmithery, book-painting and architecture.
German Renaissance Fine art
Refers to creative evolution in Deutschland during the period (c.1430-1580), exemplified by Albrecht Durer, Matthias Grunewald, Hans Holbein and Tilman Riemenschneider, among others.
Style of highly expressive painting associated with members of the New York Schoolhouse (Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning) and Art Informel (Georges Mathieu).
Glasgow School of Painting
Barbizon-influenced group of Post-Impressionists. Also included C.R.Mackintosh's grouping.
Gothic Art and Gothic Architecture
The final period of medieval art and architecture. Early Gothic usually refers to the flow 1140-1200; High Gothic c.1200-50; belatedly Gothic from 1250. "Gothic" was used in the Renaissance as a pejorative adjective for medieval architecture. During the 19th century, a Gothic Revival move appeared, notably in British and American compages: US practitioners included Richard Upjohn (1802-78) and James Renwick (1818-95).
Graffiti Fine art (1970s onwards)
Also referred to as "Writing", "Spraycan Art" and "Aerosol Fine art", Graffiti is a move or way of art associated with hip-hop, a cultural motion which sprang upwardly in diverse American cities, especially on New York subway trains, during the 1970s and 1980s. Later it spread to Europe and Japan and eventually crossed over from the street into the gallery. Its almost famous exemplar was Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Gruppo Origine
Italian grouping founded in Rome by Alberto Burri, Ettore Colla, Giuseppe Capogrossi and Mario Ballocco, in response to the disagreeably decorative quality of abstract art at the time. In their initial manifesto they proclaimed a render to fundamentals, notably by renouncing three-dimensional forms, restricting color to its simplest, and past evoking elemental images. Began and ended during 1951.
Gutai (concrete) (1954-72)
The Gutai Bijutsu Kyokai (Gutai Art Association), a Japanese avant-garde grouping, was founded in 1954 in Osaka by Yoshihara Jiro, Kanayma Akira, Murakami Saburo, Shiraga Kazuo, and Shimamoto Shozo. Held a number of public exhibitions in 1955 and 1956, with works prefiguring later Happenings and Functioning and Conceptual fine art. According to art historian Yve-Alain Bois, the group's activities constituted one of the about of import moments of post-war Japanese civilization.


Hallstatt Celtic Culture
Early way of Celtic art (c.800-450 BCE) centred on Austria and the Upper Danube.
Hard Edge Painting
Term coined in 1959 to draw abstract (but not geometric) painting, using big, flat areas of colour with precise edges.
Harlem Renaissance
An African-American artistic movement centered in the Harlem borough of New York City, and originally known every bit the New Negro Move, it had a profound influence throughout the The states. Influential members were William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones and the sculptor and printmaker Sargent Claude Johnson, as well as Jacob Lawrence, Archibald Motley and Romare Bearden.
Heidelberg Schoolhouse
A 19th century group of Melbourne-based painters associated with Australian Impressionism.
High Renaissance
Mode of fine fine art practised in Italy, France, Espana between 1490 and 1530. See as well: Renaissance in Rome, under Pope Sixtus 4 (1471-84), Pope Julius Two (1503-xiii), Pope Leo X (1513-21), and Pope Paul 3 (1534-45). Masterpieces of High Renaissance painting includes the fresco works in the Sistine Chapel and the ornament of the Raphael Rooms.
Hudson River School of landscape painting
Group of American mural painters, working from 1825 to 1875. Includes Thomas Doughty, Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, J. F. Kensett, Henry Inman, Jasper Cropsey, and Frederick East. Church.
A cultural and philosophical movement of the Italian Renaissance, focusing on the capabilities of human beings equally opposed to the abstruse concepts and problems of science or theology.
19th-century French art motility, from 1874. Impressionist painters similar Pissarro, Monet, Renoir, and Sisley, were linked by their common interest in capturing immediate visual impressions, and an emphasis on lite and color; hence Impressionist; Impressionistic.
International Gothic
A manner of painting, sculpture and decorative art that spread across western Europe during the period 1375-1450. Acted equally a span between Gothic and Renaissance art. It was greatly stimulated past the growing cultural rivalry of the European regal courts. See likewise International Gothic illuminations.
International Style (Architecture)
Form of modern architecture, initiated by Walter Gropius, developed by Mies van der Rohe, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and others.
French genre painting of domestic, intimate interiors, such as the work of Pierre Bonnard and Edouard Vuillard; hence intimiste.
Irish Fine art History (from 3300 BCE)
A guide to the main movements of painting, sculpture and architecture on the isle of Ireland.
Islamic Art
Refers to a full general category of post-7th century visual art, created by artists in territory occupied past the cultures of Islam. It encompasses architecture, architectural decoration, pottery, faience mosaics, lustre-ware, relief sculpture, wood and ivory etching, drawing, painting, calligraphy, manuscript illumination, textile design, metalwork, goldsmithery, gemstone carving, and other art forms.
Jacobean Art
Full general artistic idiom associated with the civilization of the reign of James I (reigned 1603-25) notably in theatre as well as painting. Leading exemplars include the eminent Elizabethan miniaturist Nicholas Hilliard and the Dutch built-in artists Paul Van Somer and Daniel Mytens the Elderberry.
Late-19th century European craze for Japanese arts and crafts - including fans, screens, lacquers, bronzes, silks, porcelains and Ukiyo-e prints.
The name for Fine art Nouveau-type styles in Germany, popularized past the Munich Secession.
Junk Fine art
A sub-genre of "found fine art", pioneered past Duchamp, Picasso, Schwitters and Rauschenberg, and characterized past the use of banal, everyday materials.


Kitchen Sink art
Term originally used as the title of an commodity by David Sylvester in the journal Run into referring to the piece of work of the realist artists known every bit the Beaux Arts Quartet, John Bratby, Derrick Greaves, Edward Middleditch and Jack Smith.
Kinetic Art
Works which incorporate movement or the advent of movement (eg. mobiles).
Knave of Diamonds
Russian artists' exhibition order (1910-17) that promoted advanced art from Russia and Europe.
La Tene Celtic Civilization
Style of Celtic Metalwork art and abstract blueprint work.
Les Vingt
See entry nether V.
Term practical to American landscape painters of the Hudson River School from about 1830-seventy, as many of their paintings were dominated by intense, dramatic light effects. A form of Luminism underlies Whistler'due south 'Nocturnes'.
Lyrical Abstraction
Term coined by the French painter George Mathieu in 1947 to describe a more decorative, painterly manner of Art Informel.


Magic Realism
Term invented by High german lensman, fine art historian and art critic Franz Roh to describe late 19th early on 20th realist paintings with fantasy or dream-like subjects.
Artistic style originating in Italy c.1520-90 that tends to employ distortion of figures, and emphasize an emotional content. Come across as well: Mannerist Painting.
Realist/Impressionist art grouping active in Florence c.1855-70.
Medici Family unit (Florence Renaissance)
Arguably the most influential Italian family of fine art patrons. Had a huge affect on the evolution of painting and sculpture in 15th century Florence.
Medieval Art - in practice Medieval Christian Fine art
"Medieval" is an imprecise term describing the catamenia of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in the Due west (c.450 CE) to the onset of the Renaissance (c.1400). Medieval fine art was mostly architectural or decorative - sculpture, mosaic illuminated gospel texts, tapestry. Decorative fine art exemplified by works from the Carolingian court of Male monarch Charlemagne.
Medieval Sculpture
The term "Medieval sculpture" essentially describes the era 400-1000. It was followed past Romanesque sculpture.
Metaphysical Painting (It. Pittura Metafisica)
Movement of c.1915-18 associated with the painter Giorgio de Chirico; partly a reaction against Futurism.
Mexican Murals/Muralism
Term practical to the resurgence of large-size public mural painting in United mexican states during the 1920s and 1930s, every bit practised by the left-wing artists Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siqueiros.
A non-representational manner of painting, sculpture and compages in the belatedly 1960s, which was severely restricted in its utilise of visual elements and limited itself to simple geometric shapes or masses.
Modern Art Movements
Fine art styles from roughly 1850 to 1960s.
Mosan Fine art
Art of the twelfth and 13th centuries in the valley of the River Meuse in France; it produced the first great school of enamel painters using the Champleve technique.
Moscow School of Painting (c.1500-1700)
Stroganov Workshop, Simon Ushakov and murals at Yaroslavl and Kostroma.
Mughal Painting (16th-19th Century)
Schoolhouse of Islamic painting developed on the Indian subcontinent.
Munich Secession
Withdrawal in 1892 of German artists in Munich from the traditional institutions; it remained relatively conservative, and was followed by the Vienna Secession (1897) and the Berlin Secession (1908).


Les Nabis (French)
Group of French artists working from c.1892 to 1899, influenced by Gauguin in their employ of colour and lightly exotic decorative effects. They included Pierre Bonnard, Jean-Edouard Vuillard, Felix Vallotton and Paul Serusier.
Group of German painters, led by Friedrich Overbeck, working in Rome in the early 19th century; inspired past Northern fine art of the 15th and early on 16th centuries.
Neoclassical Art
The late 18th-century European style, lasting from c.1770 to 1830, which reacted confronting the worst excesses of the Baroque and Rococo, reviving the Antiquarian. It implies a return to classical sources which imposed restraint and simplicity on painting and architecture.
Term often used to describe works by Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns in New York in the late 1950s because of their use of collage, assemblage and constitute materials, and their apparent anti-art calendar.
1980s revival of figurative painting. Known every bit Neue Wilden in Germany, Figuration Libre in French republic, Transavantguardia in Italy, Bad Painting in America.
The development of Impressionism through Georges Seurat'due south scientific analysis and treatment of colour; see Divisionism; Pointillism.
A rigid Dutch style of Abstraction, based on rectangles, horizontal and vertical lines founded by Piet Mondrian in the early 1920s.
Broad term for several 20th-century European art movements that draw on mystical, dreamlike subjects; expressive, emotional forms; and Surrealism.
Netherlandish Renaissance Art
Refers to creative development in Flanders and Holland in the period (c.1430-1580), exemplified past Jan Van Eyck, Roger Van Der Weyden, Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel the Elderberry.
Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) (Die Neue Sachlichkeit)
German modernistic realist motility of the 1920s founded by Otto Dix and George Grosz, who vividly depicted the abuse and hedonism in Germany during the 1920s. See: German language Expressionism.
Newlyn School
Led by Stanhope Alexander Forbes and Frank Bramley, the artists who settled in the W Cornish boondocks of Newlyn from the early 1880s pursued the Impressionist derived pleinairism doctrine of working direct from nature.
New York School
The core of Abstruse Expressionism in New York in the 1940s and early on 1950s including Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, and Mark Rothko.
Northern Renaissance
Western art from Northern Europe (eg. Flanders, Holland, Germany, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland) of the period c 1420-1600.
Norwich School
Important English schoolhouse of landscape painting, dating from 1803, led by John Crome and John Sell Cotman.
Nouveau Realisme (New Realism)
Term coined in 1960 by the French critic Pierre Restany for art derived partly from Dada and Surrealism, which reacted against more abstract work, especially by using industrial and everyday objects to brand junk art or sculpture.
Novgorod School of Icon Painting
Work by Theophanes the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Dionysius and others (c.1100-1500).


Op art
Abbreviation of Optical art; 1960s movement in painting in which the illusion of move was created by the juxtaposition of contrasting geometrical shapes, tones, lines, and colours. Bridget Riley was a leading fellow member.
Orientalist Painting
Orientalism was a style of painting involving exotic discipline matter - Levantine townscapes, genre scenes and the like - which coincided with the beginning of the bully age of steamship travel, and exemplified by the French painter Jean–Leon Gerome, as well as John Frederick Lewis, David Roberts, William Muller and David Wilkie. Later practitioners included the Pre-Raphaelites, Holman Hunt and Thomas Seddon.
Orphism (also Orphic Cubism, Simultanism)
Term coined c.1912 by Guillaume Apollinaire for the branch of Cubism associated with Robert Delaunay, emphasizing colour and the analysis of lite and its connexion with nature; besides known every bit Orphism.
Ottonian Fine art
The continuation of King Charlemagne's cultural revival under Otto I, II, and III, and their successors (c.900-1050).


Palladian style
English architectural fashion, from c.1715, in faux of the mode of Andrea Palladio; a reaction confronting the Baroque in favor of the Classical.
Pergamene School
The Pergamene mode of sculpture - named after Pergamon in Asia Minor - was marked past a high degree of expressiveness as well as a pronounced naturalism, both of which helped to create a bright sense of reality in the spectator.
Anti-establishment American society of photographic camera artists fix past Alfred Stieglitz and others in 1902. Included some of the greatest photographers in the Us.
Also called Superrealism and Hyperrealism, it describes a style of ultra-realistic painting directly from photographs, pioneered by Chuck Close, Richard Estes and others.
Photographic movement which pursued a style of photography in which the camera creative person manipulates a regular photo in order to create an "artistic" image.
The Neo-Impressionist technique pioneered by Georges Seurat, using dots of pure colour instead of mixing paint on the palette; hence pointille, pointillist, encounter Divisionism.
Pont-Aven School
Famous creative person colony: the group of painters, more often than not Symbolists, who worked at Pont-Aven, France, during the tardily 19th century, including the Nabis and Gauguin. Irish artists who were members included Roderic O'Conor and Nathaniel Loma.
Pop art
Style derived from the pop civilization of the 1960s, including commercial illustration, comic strips, and advertising images. British and American equivalent of New Realism.
Post-Classical Indian Painting
Illuminated manuscripts, illustrations and other forms of painting in India from the 14th to the 16th century.
Term coined by the art theorist Roger Fry for the style of art of Post-Impressionist painters like Cezanne, van Gogh and Gauguin. Run across also: Mail-Impressionist Painting (1880-1895) for trends and styles.
Postmodernist fine art
This phase starts with tardily Pop art and includes Conceptual art, Neo-Expressionism, Feminist art, and the Young British Artists of the 1990s. Postmodernism rejects the distinction between high civilisation and mass or popular civilisation, tends to efface the boundary between art and everyday life; and that refuses to recognise any single way or definition of what art should be.
Postal service-Painterly Brainchild
Term coined past the American critic Clement Greenberg for a group of Abstract artists working in the 1960s. It includes a number of specific styles and movements, such every bit Colour-Field Painting and Minimal Fine art.
Precisionism (1920s-1930s)
Precisionism (as well called Cubist Realism), and somewhat similar to Art Deco, is a style of art whereby an object is depicted in a realistic style, but with a focus on its geometric form. An important chemical element in American Modernism, it was strongly influenced by the development of Cubism in Europe, as well as the rapid industrialization in North America. Leading exponents include Charles Demuth and Charles Sheeler as well every bit the urban paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe.
Pre-Columbian Art
Refers to the culture of mesoamerica and South America before the arrival of Christopher Columbus.
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
English clan of artists, c.1848-54, including Rossetti, Holman Hunt, and Millais. The Pre-Raphaelites had no clear, unifying doctrine merely shared an interest in fine art prior to 1495, kickoff of the High Renaissance.
Style of Western painting/sculpture characterized by motifs and imagery derived from African, Oceanic, Aboriginal or other tribal arts.
Protestant Reformation Fine art
Small-scale 17th-century style of painting, typically of genre-scenes, however lifes and portraits.
The style of fine fine art, derived from Greek and Byzantine traditions, practised past the Florentine Cenni Di Pepo (Cimabue) (c.1240-c.1302), the Sienese painter Duccio di Buoninsegna (c.1255-1319), the unequalled Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) and others, during the period (c.1250-1400).
Fifteenth century art in Italy. Coincides with the start of the Italian Renaissance.


Rajput Painting
Princely style of Indian art popular in India 16th-19th Century.
Evolution of Abstract art by the Russian artists Mikhail Larionov and Natalya Goncharova, c.1913, which was an offshoot of Cubist and in some respects the forerunner of Futurism.
Style of painting dating from the 19th century, exemplified by Courbet, that makes a deliberate choice of everyday discipline thing (Realisme). See also: Realist Painting (19th Century).
A fashion of furniture and decorative art associated with the era of Prince George, the future George Four, who became Prince Regent in 1811 and later reigned from 1820 to 1830. Its characteristics include classical themes, combined with Egyptian, Chinese and French Rococo elements. The style is exemplified by the architecture of Nash, the painting of Thomas Lawrence, and the caricatures of Gillray, and Rowlandson.
American art movement (fl.1930s) agile in the midwest, championed by Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry and Grant Forest.
Renaissance Art
Period of Italian art from c.1400 to 1530 characterized by increased emphasis on realism, the mastery of linear perspective and the rediscovery of classical art.
Elegant, decorative style of c.1730-eighty. During the 19th century the term acquired pejorative connotations, meaning little or over-ornate.
Romanesque Art
Exemplified past a style of compages that lasted from 1000 to 1150 in France and to the 13th century in the rest of Europe; characterized by massive vaults and rounded arches. The term is besides applied to the fine and decorative arts of the menstruum, notably Romanesque Sculpture (c.m-1200).
Romanesque Revival
Neo-medieval style of monumental architecture which became popular in America and elsewhere during the nineteenth century. Leading exponents included Henry Hobson Richardson (1838-86), responsible for the celebrated Marshall Field Wholesale Shop (1885-87), Chicago.
Tardily 18th- and early on 19th-century antithesis to classicism; the imagination of the artist and the choice of literary themes predominated. Leading Romantic painters included William Blake, Eugene Delacroix and JMW Turner.


Scottish Colourists
Consisted of iv painters, Samuel Peploe (1871-1935), Francis Cadell (1883-1937), John Fergusson (1874-1961), and Leslie Hunter (1877-1931), who were strongly influenced by Matisse and the Fauves.
Section d'Or
A Parisian grouping of Cubist artists who exhibited at Galerie La Boetie. Information technology was an adjunct of the wider Puteaux Group - itself a spin-off from La Societe Normande de Peinture Moderne.
Sienese School of Painting
A conservative style centred on Siena, the curvation-rival of Florence. Leading Representatives of the school include: Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255-1319), Simone Martini (1285-1344), the Lorenzetti brothers, Sassetta (1394-1450), Matteo di Giovanni (1430-1495) and Domenico Beccafumi (1485-1551).
Social Realism
Figurative manner of fine art with a social message. Traditionally refers to American schoolhouse, embodied by Ben Shahn and supported by the Federal Arts Projection during the Low era.
Socialist Realism
A type of modern realism, glorifying Communist society and its works, imposed in Russia by Stalin from the late 1920s. Poster based, information technology was employed as mass propaganda.
Spanish Painting
The Spanish school (c.1500-1970).
The Italian movement (Movimento Spaziale, or spacialism), founded in 1947 by the Argentine-born Italian artist Lucio Fontana, involved a pioneering fashion of Installation art. Other leading members included Giovanni Dova and Roberto Crippa.
St Ives School
Term referring to the abstract group of artists based in Cornwall, led by Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth, and for a short period Naum Gabo. Active, 1940s, 50s and 60s.
Russian pure Abstract art movement of 1913-15, led by Kasimir Malevich, that used geometric elements.
Movement in art and literature betwixt the 2 World Wars that tried to fuse actuality with dream and unconscious experience, using automatism amid other techniques; hence Surreal, Surrealist.
Symbolism Art Move
Appeared c.1885 in France, originating in verse; a reaction against both Realism and Impressionism, it aimed at the fusion of the real and spiritual worlds, the visual expression of the mystical.
A manner of painting invented by 2 American painters, Morgan Russell and Stanton MacDonald-Wright, which combined the colour of Orphism and the structure of Cubism.
Synthetic Cubism
The second phase of Cubism, after 1912, using Collage
Style of expressionist painting, like to cloisonnism, adult by Paul Gauguin at Pont-Aven.


Term coined in 1952 by the French critic Michel Tapie, for the technique of painting in irregular dabs (taches or spots) and in an evidently haphazard style.
17th century painting technique, used by artists to dramatically illuminate their paintings.
Tonalism (1880-1910)
An American style of landscape art in which views are portrayed in soft light and shadows, as if seen through a misty veil. It was brought to America by American painters influenced by Barbizon School landscapes, and thereafter inspired a number of followers of American Impressionism during the first decades of the 20th century. Leading members included George Inness, and James McNeill Whistler.
13th-Century Italian art, including works by Giotto (Florence) and Duccio di Buoninsegna (Siena). For more, delight come across: Pre-Renaissance Painting (c.1300-1400).


Utrecht Schoolhouse
Group of painters in Utrecht including Terbrugghen and Honthorst, 1610-twenty, who had visited Rome and were influenced by the realism and lighting of Caravaggio.
Venetian Painting
Colorito-based way adult by Giovanni Bellini, Giorgione and Titian, in opposition to the disegno-based Florentine School.
Vienna Secession
Radical movement led by Gustav Klimt in an try to improve Austrian fine art, c.1897. It had strong links with Jugendstil and Art Nouveau.
Les Vingt
Belgian advanced artists exhibition lodge, set up upward in Brussels by Octave Maus. Members included James Ensor, Victor Horta, Fernand Khnopff, and others.
Short-lived English avant-garde motility, the most prominent member of which was Wyndham Lewis. Its proper noun derives from a magazine published by the grouping in 1914: Blast! A Review of the Great English Vortex.


Worpswede Grouping
An artist colony founded in 1889 by the painters Fritz Mackensen, Otto Modersohn and Hans am Ende in the countryside of Lower Saxony, Federal republic of germany. Initially painting in the plein air tradition, the grouping subsequently veered towards Expressionism. Other members included Paula Modersohn-Becker, Carl Vinnen, Fritz Overbeck, and Heinrich Vogeler.
Immature British Artists - YBAs, Britart
This Uk group, consisting of numerous painters, sculptors, conceptual and installation artists, many of whom attended Goldsmiths College in London, gained huge media coverage for its shocking artworks. Led by Damien Hirst, the grouping went mainstream in 1997 when the London Royal Academy, in conjunction with Charles Saatchi (their patron), hosted "Sensation", a definitive exhibition of YBA art, amid no lilliputian controversy.

Dorsum to Acme.

• For a full general explanation of visual arts terminology, encounter: Art Glossary.
• For oils, watercolours, acrylics and other flick-making materials, come across: Painting Glossary.
• For architectural terms, encounter: Architecture Glossary.
• For engraving, etching, lithography and woodcut, see: Printmaking Glossary.
• For art colours, pigments and lakes, see: Colour in Art Glossary.

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Source: http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/art-movements-glossary.htm

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